Catching up

Well, well, well ...
I know .. it's been a long time since I was here, it's not my fault ... life gets too busy ;)

All is well, unless I got much busier at work, learning better time management, allocating my time to the list of activities I like to do such as running, climbing, consulting other small businesses and helping researchers to publish their scientific papers in English language journals.

I cut my hair up to shoulders, because of excess fall.

I am more confident at my job since last fall, most old employees have left the company and I have become the most senior one, this has pros and cons .. people ask me many things as I have so many files sorted in order.

Running is also on routine, trying to run 8km at least one day per week, I registered to a smart running class starting this week.

Dieting is ok now, I log-in what I eat everyday to track.

Mountain climbing is our routine, since we managed to lose 8kg since September.

And nothing else matters ...

P.S. This photo is taken recently when we on hiking in Si-Sakht, Dena protected area.


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