Great Art from Iran Darroudi

Iran Darroudi, one of the famous painters in the world which has unique style in her works...
She has a biography book which represents her beautiful thoughts as well as her art...
For more information about her please check
Thank you, Iran...!


Anonymous said…
Look into a rain drop that fell from the sky... look into a tear drop that fell from a cry... it's far better to say 'how'? rather than to keep asking 'why'?

LISTEN to the bells in a friend's pretty smile... HEAR the light leaving a friend's pretty eyes... TOUCH the silver in a friend's pretty voice... TASTE the pleasure in the air.

Ian came from Persia, so thank you Iran...
Anonymous said…
OOps... sorry not Ian but IRAN
Nanni said…
Thank YOU!
Anonymous said…
You're welcome

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