وحید: این شاگردی خیلی سخت تر از آن چیزی است که فکرش رو می کردم......اینطور نیست؟
Thanks Behzad... Happy new year...and Merry Xmas.
Anonymous said…
Diamond Lady... you only think you are alone. You will never be alone as long as there are those who share the silence with you. If you get lonely, walk down by the lake and look into the water. My smiles are there for you, shining in the sun.
او به لطف خودش مارا پذيرفت.
اما سخت بود "شاگردي!!!!!!!!!"1
در ضمن
هر طور كه ميل شماست دوست داشتيد تشريف بياريد ، خوشحال خواهيم شد
Thanks Behzad... Happy new year...and Merry Xmas.