
Sometimes I wonder:
Who am I ?
What am I doing here?
Who I suppose to be?

A philosopher told me : Your life will continue in the same way after you die...

But this is not enough...!
I need to know more...

Who do I need?
Who do I love?

Why me?

Where is this immortality?


Anonymous said…
Don't worry who or why, just think HOW. Some questions have no answers, so do not search. Look inside your heart and there you will feel the names of those who love you.
Nanni said…
I love searching...
I want the answer...
There must be an answer...
There must be.
Anonymous said…
OK try this... you are who you are because of what you were, and you will be what you will be because of what you are.

You are here, and you are on a journey, a journey with an end. That end mya be wonderful, it may be nothing much.

The real question you should ask yourself is HOW CAN I MAKE MOST IMPACT ON THE WORLD TO DAY.

Keep happy... keep the faith... we are here to help you on your way.
Nanni said…
I need your help...
I am sick of searching
I am sick of asking unanswered questions
Few people care about...
Maybe I should be like others and do not care and have normal life
(Like other birds in Jhonatan story in Richard Bach book)
I don't know
What is right what is wrong
I don't want to know what is right what is wrong...
Anonymous said…
There is no absolute right or wrong... it depends on each of us. Listen to your heart and listen to your soul. Move deep inside, the answer will be there. Just relax and let go: the answer will come to you. It may take years, but one day the answer will come to you. In the meantime talk to those who you think might know. Happy travelling.
Anonymous said…
حالا كه ما هستيم
يعني انتخاب شدده ايم و شايد انتخاب هم كرده ايم
حالا كه تو راه قرارگرفتيم پس بايد به رفتن فكر كنيم و اينكه چطور برويم كه برسيم!
Nanni said…
I hope I get the answer finally
Then I can say this life has worth to live!
I have so many things to do then!

Thanks for all your help!
I needed that...:)

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