Sometimes I wonder:
Who am I ?What am I doing here?
Who I suppose to be?
A philosopher told me : Your life will continue in the same way after you die...
But this is not enough...!
I need to know more...
Who do I need?
Who do I love?
Why me?
Where is this immortality?
I want the answer...
There must be an answer...
There must be.
You are here, and you are on a journey, a journey with an end. That end mya be wonderful, it may be nothing much.
The real question you should ask yourself is HOW CAN I MAKE MOST IMPACT ON THE WORLD TO DAY.
Keep happy... keep the faith... we are here to help you on your way.
I am sick of searching
I am sick of asking unanswered questions
Few people care about...
Maybe I should be like others and do not care and have normal life
(Like other birds in Jhonatan story in Richard Bach book)
I don't know
What is right what is wrong
I don't want to know what is right what is wrong...
حالا كه ما هستيم
يعني انتخاب شدده ايم و شايد انتخاب هم كرده ايم
حالا كه تو راه قرارگرفتيم پس بايد به رفتن فكر كنيم و اينكه چطور برويم كه برسيم!
Then I can say this life has worth to live!
I have so many things to do then!
Thanks for all your help!
I needed that...:)