don't jump that much high that your wings burn!!

driving in the Death Valley
Originally uploaded by snowpony.
One of my probmes...

There is something in me...
Can not sit relax...
Always planning for me...
Always thinking, thinking...
Never let me to enjoy my presence... to enjoy this "Yeganeh"
To be with this Yeganeh... To love this incomplete Yeganeh...
I always have this feeling that,
I am not good now, I should be better and better...

Oh i hate this...

Always comparing me with others...
What the hell is this?

به قول شریعتی عزیزم
خدایا: این خرد خورده بین حسابگر مصلحت پرست را که بر دو شاه بال هجرت از "هست "، ومعراج به "باشد" بندهای بی شمار می زند در زیر گامهای این کاروان شعله های بیقرار شوق، که در من شتابان می گذرد، نابود کن!...ش


Anonymous said…
سلام يگانه. جالبه هنگامي كه اين نوشته رو پست كردي، مراسم تولد من برپا بوده. يه چيزي تو نوشته تو برام جالبه. چرا فكر ميكني كه چيزي درون تو داره واست نقشه ميكشه يا نميذاره كه تو از وجودت لذت ببري؟ مگه يگانه واقعي كيه؟ چه فرقي با منصور و مريم و رامين و نيوشا و ... داره؟ هر آدمي تو درونش دنيائي خيالي داره كه اگه كنترلش نكنه ميتونه كم كم جنبه واقعي به خودش بگيره و اونو به جهت هاي واهي بكشونه. مراقب باش كه زياد افسار به دستش ندي.
Nanni said…
Happy Birthday anonymouse!
Anonymous said…
That something in you is pure Yeganeh, and it's important you do not try to change her inside. That is why you are the special person you, Persian princess. That is why I think of you as a very dear friend. You will be successful... I know you will succeed. Just be true to your self... be true!
Nanni said…
Thank you my friend...
You were always supportive...
How is going on your books??
Anything published?
Anonymous said…
حرف شریعتی قشنگه.
ممنون از کامنت های گرمت.
Anonymous said…
Hi... no selling... but lots of writing... soon you will see.

Otherwise taking myself to the side of the world, hope to escape it soon!

Thanks for your encouragement. I find lots of inspiration in this blog, that contains great beauty within it, as do you. Nannigia, take care!

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