It's getting cold here...
I saw the fist tiny snow layers on the beautiful mountain North of Tehran.
The mountain talked to me when i went out for a walk near our home...
I lost the connection for so long...
I got so happy that i could heard its voice which says:

I am with you...

Also i know from my British friends now Coventry is getting so beautiful and cold.
Special thank to Paul to send me this photo from Memorial Park in Coventry.


Oberon said… are fab...u...lous.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Yegi for putting this photo here. I will send you one with snow when it arrives - hopefuly with its diamonds made of ice! The only place that has spoken to me here is Canterbury Cathedral - a great church filled with great feeling that still makes me feel big things inside. Take care, keep warm, keep safe...
Anonymous said…
Hi Yeganeh! Nice picture that brings memories back to us. Hope you're fine. Seb

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