Life is here!

On my way home in the bus...was listening to the song: kal ho na ho (tomorrow is late)
thinking... our lives is all about mysterious paths
getting off from bus... walking Soheil St. to my home ... I like that path) ... a guy hanging around his dog.... and
a car stopped and asked me:

where is the kindness alley?

Photo :


Anonymous said…
Kindness Alley is the route from your heart through your soul, walk it frequently to keep your inner love whole. But, if ever you should lose your way, then close your eyes and begin to pray.
Anonymous said…
Yeganeh - I will see you in kindness alley. In my soul I meet you there every day. Eyes closed, I feel you there, I know you are there. In my dreams I will run with you there: kal ho na ho.
Amir said…
salam bloge zibayee darin A.Rostami hastam khoshhal misham bishtar baham ashna beshin ID man rostami5 hast!

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